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A Job change decision touches all aspects of your life, career, family, life style and above all your sense of achievement. At Centum we understand the importance of it and focus on providing you the best opportunities that cater to your career needs. E-mail to us at
Disclaimer :
Centum is an equal opportunity employer and maintains very high level of transparency in its recruitment process. Centum does not charge any fee from candidates at any stage of the recruitment and process nor do our clients.
Centum advises you not to entertain such claims. Any act or omission to the contrary shall be at your risk and responsibility as to costs and consequences thereof. Should you be approached by anyone with such claim, you are requested to get in touch with the Support team at 011 – 43097227
Please note that Centum has not authorized any agency/channel partner/employee to collect any fee for recruitment. We, therefore caution the general public against relying on or action on such fraudulent claims.